STAT 647 (ISU): Advanced Multivariate Analysis, 博士课程
STAT 475/575 (ISU): Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis, 本科硕士联合课程
STAT 347 (ISU): Probability and Statistical Theory for Data Science, 本科课程
STAT 501 (ISU): Multivariate Statistical Methods, 硕士课程
DS 202 (ISU): Data Acquisition and Data Exploratory Analysis, 本科课程
STAT 980 (UNL): Advanced Probability Theory, 博士课程
STAT 892 (UNL): Modern Nonparametric Statistics, 博士课程
STAT 892 (UNL): TA Training, 博士课程
STAT 380 (UNL): Statistics and Applications, 本科课程
STAT 218 (UNL): Introduction to Statistics, 本科课程
STAT 462 and 463 (UNL): Mathematical Statistics I and II, 本科课程
STAT 305 (ISU): Engineering Statistics, 本科课程
Snedecor Award, Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, 2013Laha Travel Award, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2013 国家一等奖学金,中国教育部,2007