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3. Liu Yong, Zhao Huaizhong, Representation of pathwise stationary solutions of stochastic Burgers' equations Stochastics and Dynamics ,(2009), vol 9 No. 4 613‐634
4. Liu Yong, Zhai Jianliang, A note on time regularity of generalized Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck processes with cylindrical stable noise. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 350 (2012) 97‐100
5. Chen Yong, Liu Yong, On the fourth moment theorem for complex multiple Wiener‐Ito integrals Infin.Dimens.Anal.Quantum Probab. Relat. Top. 20 (2017) No.1 1750005, 24pp
6. Chen, Yong; Liu, Yong. Complex Wiener-Ito chaos decomposition revisited. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 39B(3), (2019), 797–818.
7. Fang, Jun; Jiang, Fan; Liu, Yong and Yang, Jingping. Copula-based Markov process, Insurance Mathematics & Economics, 91, (2020), 166-187.
8. Huang, Xiangyu; Liu, Yong; Sidoravicius Vladas; Xiang, Kainan. A note on once reinforced random walk on ladder Z x {0,1}, Electronic Communications in Probability, (2021), 26.