Estimation on gravity models for international trade
报告人: Lung Fei Lee(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
时间:2023-09-21 15:10-17:00
地点:Room 217, Guanghua Building 2
Our talk will focus on gravity models with n regions. We follow the theoretic dual utility approach of Behrens et al. (2012), which has flows from other countries determined as Nash equilibria. We consider the estimation of such models by a linear SAR model and possible nonlinear model based on SNED theory.
About the Speaker:
Professor Lee is the distinguished professor at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, the emeritus professor at the Ohio State University, and the fellow of the Econometric Society. Professor Lee's research and publications are in the areas of microeconometrics and theoretical econometrics. He has studied issues on self-selection and discrete choices of economics agents; quantity rationing in consumption; disequilibrium market models; dynamic discrete choice behavior of individuals; and econometric issues on limited dependent variables such as binding nonnegative constraints, brand choices in purchasing decisions of consumers, limiting price movements in stock markets, rational expectations formation, switching regressions, and hidden Markov chains. His current research is on the development of econometric models of spatial or social interactions.

Your participation is warmly welcomed!
