Treatment Effects Estimators Under Misspecification
报告人: Ping Yu, The University of Hong Kong
时间:2016-05-26 14:00 ~ 15:30
地点:Room 217, Guanghua Building 2
We conduct misspecification analysis for four treatment effects estimators, IVE, IV-QRE, LSE and QRE, in the framework of HV (2005). We …first derive the pseudo-true values which shed more light on why the IVE and IV-QRE are consistent when the essential heterogeneity is absent and why the LSE and QRE are consistent when the selection effect is further excluded. For example, when the essential heterogeneity is absent, the IVE is consistent because of an offsetting property, while the IV-QRE is consistent due to a counterfactual-quantiles matching property inherited from rank similarity. We then check two responses to model misspecification. First, we conduct a local sensitivity analysis which provides a measure of sensitivity when the key identification assumption is locally perturbed along a prespecified direction. Second, we summarize the sharp bounds for the ATE in the literature and develop corresponding bounds for the QTE. We illustrate our analyses by studying the effect of veteran status on earnings in Angrist (1990).
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