Orthogonal Arrays with Circulant Property: Construction,Analysis and Applications to fMRI Experiments
报告人: Frederick K. H. Phoa, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
时间:2017-06-01 14:00 ~ 15:00
地点:1114M, Science Building 1 (理科1号楼)
Orthogonal arrays have been widely used in many experiments, but theydo not exist for any size. Recently, orthogonal arrays with circulant property receivegreat attention and are applied in many fields such as stream cypher cryptanalysis andfunctional magnetic resonance imaging. Since circulant Hadamard matrices, which canbe viewed as orthogonal arrays of symbols two and strength two, have been conjecturednonexistence, circulant almost orthogonal arrays (CAOA) are considered. In this talk,we propose a systematic construction to this new class of designs. Complete differencesets (CDS) are also introduced and applied for the construction of CAOA. We not onlyprove the equivalence relation of CDS and CAOA, but also construct CAOA of any primepower symbols. We further apply these designs to fMRI experiments, demonstratingthat our constructed designs have better properties than the traditional designs interms of cost-efficiency. This is a joint work with my postdoctoral research fellow Dr.Yuan-Lung Lin of Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica, and Professor JasonMing-Hung Kao of Arizona State University.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Frederick K. H. Phoa is Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Statistics, National Central University, Taiwan. He obtained his Ph.D. in Statistics from UCLA in 2009. His research interests include the theory, construction, and optimization of experimental designs and many aspects of network science. He has published over 40 papers in journals such as Annals of Statistics, Statistica Sinica, and Technometrics.