Making sense of the microbiome through numbers
报告人: 贾慧珏, 副研究员,深圳华大生命科学研究院宏基因组研究所
时间:2017-11-16 14:00 ~ 15:00
Since joining the MetaHIT consortium in 2008 as the only non-EU member, BGI has focused on generating high-quality reference datasets for the metagenomic field, innovating on assembly of metagenomic shotgun sequences and on metagenome-wide association (MWAS) studies. This presentation by Dr. Huijue Jia provides an overview of typical metagenomic studies from samples to relative abundances, with greatly reduced dimensionality through covariation-based binning. With more mechanistic studies emerging in the field, we believe in providing an essential angle from large-scale omics data.
About the Speaker:
贾慧珏博士、副研究员,深圳华大生命科学研究院宏基因组研究所所长,深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”B类人才,美国凯斯西储大学生物化学博士,霍华德?修斯医学研究所及北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校莱恩伯格综合癌症中心博士后、美国白血病与淋巴瘤学会博士后奖学金(LLS Fellow)获得者。2012年成为英国《自然》出版集团第一位来自中国本土的科学编辑(Nature Communications)。2013年加入华大基因研究院宏基因组方向以来在人体肠道、口腔、生殖道等部位共生菌群与疾病关系方面同国内外学者开展了多项国际领先的研究。