The Climate related financial risks and risk analysis methods
报告人: 袁曦(中国再保险集团股份有限公司)
时间:2023-05-11 14:00-15:00
地点:理科一号楼1513,Tencent meeting (356-892-211)
The Climate related financial risks and risk analysis methods seminar intend to provide an overview on climate risks affecting the financial sector and the approaches to analyze both physical and transition risks, with examples on banks, asset managers and insurance companies. The seminar including two sessions: Climate change risk: Concept classification、International progress and Environmental risk analysis; Financial sector climate and environment risk: scenario test method and practice.
About the Speaker:
袁曦 中国再保险集团股份有限公司 资深风险经理。她在保险业从业二十多年,在英国和中国的精算领域拥有丰富的经验,包括定价,准备金,巨灾建模,资本建模,资产负债管理。袁曦还曾服务银保监会偿付能力相关和和资产负债管理相关项目顾问。她是IFoA正精算师,也是IFoA 全球理事,现为国际精算师协会(IAA)气候变化风险工作小组(CRFT)成员。帮助建立IFoA 气候变化培训课程,写了Climate-Related Disclosures and Risk Management: Standards and Leading Practices - October 2022 文章在IAA网站上发布,同时作为单位成员在人民银行的领导下,加入了IMF新数据倡议关于气候变化指标的工作中。
Tencent Meeting:
Meeting ID:356-892-211
Your participation is warmly welcomed!