Design of experiment with quantitative-sequence factors
Holder: Qian Xiao(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Time:2024-11-28 14:00-15:00
Location:Siyuan Lecture Hall,Zhi Hua Building-225
A new type of experiments with joint considerations of quantitative and sequence factors are recently drawing much attention in medical science, bio-engineering and many other disciplines. The input spaces of such experiments are semi-discrete and often very large. Thus, efficient and economic experimental designs are required. Based on the transformations and aggregations of good lattice point sets, we construct a new class of optimal quantitative-sequence (QS) designs which are marginally coupled, pair-balanced, space-filling and asymptotically orthogonal. The proposed QS designs have certain flexibility in run and factor sizes, and are especially appealing for high dimensional cases.
About the Speaker:
肖骞,上海交通大学统计系长聘副教授。他于2017年在加州大学洛杉矶分校获得统计学博士学位,之后加入美国佐治亚大学统计系历任助理教授、长聘副教授,于2024年加入上海交通大学统计系。他的主要研究方向包括计算机试验设计与分析、不确定性量化等。他的研究成果发表在Annals of Statistics、Journal of the American Statistical Association、Biometrika、Technometrics等顶尖统计学期刊上。

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